It’s exactly one year ago since I embarked on the freelancing journey. Freelancing is an experience that nobody can prepare you to. Neither professors at school, nor your friends and relatives have a clue what it is about, unless they have tried it themselves. Let me tell you, it is hard and humbling! It requires a lot of discipline, passion and perseverance!

Relationships Are All That Matter

Whether you are trying to find new clients, or need help from another professional to finish a project, it always boils down to who you know. People work with me because of who I am, because they trust me, relate to me and think that I can get the job done. Therefore, one of the most valuable lessons that freelancing has taught me so far is the ability to network genuinely. One single connection can make all the difference.

Shankar Poncelet


The Value of Money

My relationship to money has changed. It’s funny how in mind I convert every price into the amount of time I would have to work in order to afford a given item, or service. The meaning of Time is Money gets more pronounced when you work as a freelancer. There are so many tasks that belong to my everyday duties (such as writing this email) which do not directly generate income. However, the urge for instant gratification is ingrained in humans and it takes a lot of discipline to overcome it.

Life is Wonderful

While freelancing is very hard and demanding, it has the potential to make you fall in love with life, too. I have worked many more hours as a freelancer than I ever have as an employee. I usually have 10 – 14 hour days versus the standard 8. But then again, there are also 4 hour days, or maybe even less, and having that freedom is beyond imagination before you become your own boss. As a freelancer you are in control and you get to decide when and where you work. This flexibility comes with a lot of risks and responsibilities but it also makes you realize that you were meant to savor life, and that there are other routes than the traditional 9 – 5 (although I cannot know for sure if I will ever go back to it or not).

The Future Belongs to Those who Believe in the Beauty of Their Dreams

I still love what I have chosen to do and I will keep hustling. I have finished a few very impressive projects like a multi-lingual content management system, online stores, smartphone apps and an animal shelter website.

If you have been on the fence, or thinking about starting your new project, maybe this is the perfect time to get in touch with me. Keeping projects lined up back-to-back is the biggest challenge to overcome as a single developer. Today, you have the chance to have a positive, calming impact on my life. I will thank you with the highest quality of work.